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diy babylegs

1. Babylegs: Pre-production, 2. Babylegs: As seen straight from walmart/unaltered., 3. Babylegs – Step 1., 4. Babylegs – Step 2, 5. Babylegs – Step 3, 6. Babylegs – Step 4, 7. Babylegs – Step 5, 8. Babylegs – Step 6, 9. Babylegs – Step 7, 10. Babylegs – My assistant seamstress., 11. Babylegs – Step 8, 12. Babylegs – A veiw from above and behind, 13. Babylegs – unveiled., 14. Babylegs COMPLETE, 15. Babylegs In Motion

I always loved BabyLegs, but at $12 a pair, they just aren’t the type of thing one can go around collecting. Enter flickr user Baby Hopes! She has a complete photo tutorial detailing the ins and outs of turning women’s knee-highs into baby leg warmers! (via Chasing Cheerios)

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  1. I’m confused as to why you cut out part of the sock that you use for the cuff? I tried this and the cuff came out way to small to fit around my 5 month old’s legs. He’s big – 18 lbs – but this was like crazy too small. I just took the whole small “tube” of sock, folded it in on itself halfway, and then overlocked it to attach it to the cut end of the rest of the sock. This cuts out a lot of the steps but it does make the cuff much looser. I’m thinking the socks I used may not be as stretchy or else they are skinnier or maybe my baby has really chubby feet!
    Thanks for the tutorial! I never would have thought I could make them myself 🙂

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