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Flickr Inspiration > Make a Tooth Fairy Pillow


1. Feathered Friend Toothie Pillow, 2. Tooth Fairy pillow, 3. tooth fairy pillow, 4. tooth officer, 5. tooth beary backside, 6. tooth pillow, 7. Tooth Fairy Pillow- open pocket, 8. tooth fairy pillow for diego – front, 9. tooth fairy pillow, 10. Blue Tooth Fairy Pillow, 11. Tooth Buddy Tooth Pillows, 12. Custom Ordered ToothFairy Pillow, 13. toothpillow2, 14. Tooth Fairy Pillow, 15. tooth fairy pillow

This mosaic may be a bit overwhelming, so I want to bring your attention to a few things:

  • I’m a sucker for embroidery so the pillow in the center is my absolute favorite. Be sure to click #8 to see the details.
  • For you knitters out there, there’s a lone knitted tooth with pocket on the back on the bottom center. He’s a cutie-pie and you can find a pattern for him at Knit and Crochet Patterns.
  • Take notice of the police fairy tooth (#9)…another one of my favorites from the group. His mouth is the pocket! MmmmCrafts has a pattern available for download for your personal use. Link

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