
Pirate Doll Giveaway at Fröken Skicklig


I’m off to the beach to soak it up visit relatives for a few days, but wanted to tell you about this wonderful giveaway first:

Fröken Skicklig is a one-woman company located in Berlin who creates the most beautiful handmade dolls. Seriously. Go look…they’re gorgeous. She’s currently offering a giveaway on her blog for the little pirate fellow above. And, get this: To enter, you have write a message in a bottle with your kids and send it off somewhere. I love it!

I really like this guy, so we may have to find a good bottle while we’re visiting the ocean. Although, I confess I’m a little apprehensive about tossing a plastic bottle into the ocean. I’d probably get cited for littering, or end up injuring some poor sea animal. Perhaps we’ll just leave it someplace where someone will surely find it and subsequently dispose of the bottle. Either way, the prospect of sending a note to an unknown person, along with an opportunity to win the Pirate, is very appealing. 🙂

Be sure to check out Fröken Skicklig if you’re interested in joining me. Have a great weekend, and I’ll be back Tuesday!

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One Comment

  1. I just discovered your blog & am so excited to try the from onesie to t-shirt tutorial! I love crafty blogs! Thanks for sharing!

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