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Summer Activities Round-Up

The first day of Summer is just a couple days away! Here are some fun ideas to help get you through these long days!

Count down the weeks of summer with this Sunshine Patterning Activity from Her Cup Overfloweth!


Make and Takes has a great list of items to keep handy for summer crafting. Bag them up for your own Tub O’ Fun!


Let’s Explore is sharing the contents of their Summer Fun Bags beginning with this tangram kit!


Get the kids outdoors for this fun Backyard Alphabet Hunt from Teach Mama!


Follow along with The Long Thread’s Summer Reading Crafts, beginning with the story of Elmer!


Create a fairy fantasy land in your backyard. Here’s a lovely example from And Everything Nice:


Frame a doorway with the items on your summer activity list written on die-cuts. Then take them off as you complete them! Check out the Doorway into Summer at The Artful Parent.


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