
Have you noticed that posts have been rather inconsistent around here lately? I have. I get enormous satisfaction out of finding projects that I want to make for my kiddos and sharing them with you folks. I have a ton of items starred in my reader, a few submissions waiting to be posted, and another Independence Day crafty round-up in the works. Unfortunately, I have a backlog of my own projects that I’d really like to finish (because you people are an endless source of inspiration!)…plus…its SUMMER! I’m finding myself busier than ever with my toddler and preschooler. I have no doubt that you can relate to everything I’m talking about here. So…for the next month or so my presence here will be spotty. I’ll be in and out, but I don’t think I’ll be able to maintain any sort of consistency until these warm summer months start winding down. Thanks to everyone for coming by every day and for keeping this blog fun for me! And don’t worry…I’ll see you soon!

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One Comment

  1. Hey there!
    I am just checking back again because I have missed your posts but TOTALLY understand about taking a little time off to really relax and enjoy a bit. . . maintaining a blog is a lot of work–especially one as awesome as yours.

    Looking forward to seeing you again come fall–

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