15 Simple Kid Knits for New Knitters

beginner knitting patterns - knit for kids

One of the best things that fall brings with it is knitting. I tend to sew a lot, but it was so exciting to break open my knitting bag and get my needles going on some new projects!

Are you new to knitting or looking for some quick knits for your kiddos (or upcoming babies)?

Check out these links for beginner knitting patterns that are simple enough for newbies, but equally useful for the seasoned knitter:

knitting for kids: 15 beginner knitting patterns to grow your skills

knitted headband pattern with pom pom from Rust and Sunshine:headband knitting pattern from rust and sunshine

slippers in any size from Beatrice Cavicchioli slippers knitting pattern by beatrrice cavicchioli

any size beginner hat recipe from The Sheep Shop

beginner hat pattern from sheep shop cambridgeThis hat is knitted flat, so it’s perfect for those who aren’t quite ready for knitting in the round!

3 and a half knitted bows from Cornflower Blue Studio:bowtie knitting pattern cornflower blue studio

These are so useful! Boys can wear them as bowties, or pair them with the above headband for girls!

knitted treasure bag from Inner Child Crochet

knitted pouch pattern

 I love this little bag for keeping tiny treasures that my kids have collected!

knitted doughnuts from I Like Lemons knitted doughnuts pattern i like lemons

In her post she offers her variation, plus a link to the original pattern. The pattern uses an M1 stitch, which might be new for beginners. For a great demonstration of this stitch, see this video.

Child’s play crown from This Cosy Life:crown headband knitting pattern this cosy life

I made one of these crowns for each of my girls a couple years ago and they still wear them for dress-up! Also, be sure to check out her pattern shop,  it’s full of wonderful things to knit!

ninja toy from Vickie Howell at Craftsy:purple stitch ninja knitting pattern craftsy

*this one is free from Craftsy (part of the Purple Stitch Project), however you will need to sign up for a Craftsy account to access it

knitting for babies

Simple baby bib patternknitted bib pattern lsmorin

(image is from ellemme, pattern found here)

Knitted baby bonnet from Knit and Bakebaby bonnet knitting pattern knit and bake

easy baby booties knitting pattern

baby booties beginner knitting pattern

these are wonderfully easy to knit and have so many variations to play with!

preemie baby hat from Ewe Ewe

preemie baby hat knitting pattern ewe ewe

Striped baby hat from A La Sascha:simple striped baby hat knitting pattern  ala sascha English translation and link to PDF found at the bottom of her post

Baby frog legs (legwarmers) pattern from Lauren Dahl: legwarmers knitting pattern babyfroglegs laurendahl

bias baby blanket from JCasa

bias blanket knitting pattern jcasa

 this blanket is knit in 3 colors and is so beautiful in its simplicity

Online Knitting Class

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