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How to Make a Felt Bat Bow


you need:

bat bow supplies


: Cut pattern pieces from felt, and cut a 1/4″ by  1 1/4″ strip of felt :
bat bow step 1


: make a bow with the top piece, position the “ears” on the edge :
bat bow step 2


: position wings behind bow and use a needle and thread to tack into place :
bat bow step 3


  : tighten the center of both pieces and wrap thread around a few times to hold :
 bat bow step 4


: wrap strip of felt around center, keeping edges in the back :bat bow step 5


: make sure the strip is wrapped nice and tight :

bat bow step 7

: cut off any excess felt from the strip and stitch down :

bat bow step 8

: use the same thread to wrap around a hair tie :

bat bow step 9

bat bow hair tie

: or hot glue the bow to a head band :
bat bow headband

The bow was  inspired by this pin.  Please have fun making these for yourself or someone you know, and if you have any questions just ask!

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