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KCWC at Elsie Marlie

If you sew and have kids you will definitely want to join in on this big sewing party! Meg (Elsie Marley) hosts the Kids Clothes Week Challenge twice each year, Spring and Fall, and it’s basically 7 days of frenzied sewing. It’s always fun to join in with other sewists on the same mission and see what everyone else is making.

I think I end up putting all of my kids’ sewing off until this challenge, because I know I’ll be more likely to get it done! I’m still collecting ideas and patterns, but here is a bit of inspiration from my Little Girly Style board on Pinterest, which I’m sure to be pulling from during this little sewing stint.

little girly style pinterest sources: 1.via  2. Etsy shop Heart and Sew  3. Tree Fall Studio  4. Party of Eight  5. via  6. Oliver + S  7. via

Meg also just put together a KCWC pin board, so be sure to check that out for tons of inspiration!

I tend to focus on girl stuff since that’ what I have, but I’ll be sure to put together some rockin’ boy stuff soon!

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  1. I love KCWC!! And am honored that you included my little shirt in your round up. Thanks so much…I think I need the O+S pattern!! Have a good week end!!

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