
Sack Lunch Field Trip Stickers (Part 1)

Sack Lunch Field Trip Stickers from One Crafty Place

I’m popping in quickly with the first installment of a little free printable I’ve been working on.  It’s taking a little longer than planned as I’ve been preoccupied with birthdays and fundraiser obligations.  Do you find yourself unable to say “no” even though you really don’t have the time?!

My 6 year old went on her first full-fledged field trip a few weeks ago! They visited the aquarium and were instructed to bring a clearly labeled, brown-bag lunch with disposable utensils and napkins and such. I was truly excited for her to go on this field trip and thought it would be fun to dress up the brown bag a bit.

I ended up with a cute, albeit poorly drawn, fish blowing bubbles into her name.  And while I was struggling with my well-intentioned fish, I thought about how easy- and fun- it would be to just slap a sticker on the bag and carry on with the field trip excitement. Of course, the sticker would still have to be appropriately themed.

So, here you have the first two sticker labels of four that I have conceived.  These first two are a Crab and T-Rex  for aquarium and science museum field trips. What I love about these labels is that they are big enough to wrap over the top of the brown bag and seal where the fold goes (to help keep all those lunch goodies inside!). And there’s a little clear area at the bottom for an extra message, or a teacher’s name, or any other info you might want to add!

Here is the Free* Printable PDF file.

You should be able to just put some printable sticker paper into your printer and print as usual, but please let me know if you have any problems!

*Please enjoy these for yourselves, but do not sell them.

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One Comment

  1. You are sooo talented!! I love the stickers!! I, too, fall into that category of saying yes when I should say no but when someone needs help no never seems to come out of my mouth even when I am swamped. I have gotten better about saying we can’t make it to an event, though.

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