
How to Make Polymer Clay Ornaments

In my search for ideas for teacher gifts from the kids this year, I came across these beautiful tutorials from Lisa Storms and Little Lovelies using stamped polymer clay. The kids and I had a chance to make our own last weekend, but the stamp I picked up, which had an image of a sprig of pine needles, wasn’t coming through very well.

Before throwing my hands up, resourcefulness got the best of me and I snipped a sprig from the branches we cut off the bottom of our Christmas tree. Here’s how we made our version without a stamp:

If you have some good letter stamps you could easily personalize these with family names.

I hope everyone is enjoying the busy-ness that comes with preparing for the holidays!  I am loving seeing all of the special touches folks are adding to their homes and gift-giving and my heart just absolutely fills up when I see the excitement in the kids.

Love. Love. Love this time of year!

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  1. Where do I get the polymer clay? Sorry… I haven’t worked in crafts for years. Just thought this would be fun to do with my granddaughter.

    1. Hi Dianne! You can find the polymer clay at any craft store (Hobby Lobby, Michaels, JoAnn’s, etc.). Some people refer to it by brand names, such as Fimo and Sculpey. Good luck!

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