Mardi Gras Mask Download
Mardi Gras is less than a week away…are you ready? Get into the spirit with this printable mask available at Skip to My Lou!
Mardi Gras is less than a week away…are you ready? Get into the spirit with this printable mask available at Skip to My Lou!
Using a bit of nature and a free bird pattern from Spool, Sew Liberated created this beautiful piece to hang in her baby’s nursery. I can just imagine the little birdies singing sweet lullabies…
Strawberry season is in tow around these parts and after seeing how easy it is at A Sonoma Garden, I’ve half a mind to try my hand at making our own fruit roll-ups. After…
Here’s a great way to bring the enjoyment of sand-play indoors during these last few weeks of winter. Check out The Write Start to learn more!
I instantly fell in love with this felt version of a matryoshka doll found at Skip the Chips. These are great for sorting by size and really…don’t all kids love putting things into pockets?…
This is such a clever idea from Grace Violet. She took the crayon-roll idea and made it a bit more functional by making an apron! You can see how she did it here!
I’m loving this oh-so-clever tote made from a cereal box! Michelle at Her Cup Overfloweth takes you through the steps needed to make your own. Perfect for carting a few books around or to…
“C” is for cereal box cars! Three Prince Designs has a tutorial on how to make these totally cool car-shaped snack trays from cereal boxes and a few other household items. She also shares…
1. Feathered Friend Toothie Pillow, 2. Tooth Fairy pillow, 3. tooth fairy pillow, 4. tooth officer, 5. tooth beary backside, 6. tooth pillow, 7. Tooth Fairy Pillow- open pocket, 8. tooth fairy pillow for…
Aren’t these homemade instruments gorgeous? Urban Organica has a wonderful tutorial showing how to make them from items you probably already have! Big thanks to Our Green Nest for the tip! (Link)
This little snow bunny is all bundled up for the last few weeks of winter! Love those ears! Q.D. Patooties is generously sharing the pattern for your personal use. Just click on over! (Link)
I love finding new ways to use old clothes. This tutorial comes to us from Rookie Moms. Using and old T-shirt, you can sew up some comfy new pants for the little ones! (Link)
I really like these personalized display pieces (as seen on Tip Junkie). Here they’re used for teacher gifts, but I think they’d be equally at home in a child’s bedroom or playroom. Link (Thanks…
Ok…so crazy skull print aside…this tutorial at Instructables is awesome. I know very little about sewing and I cranked out about 10 pair of pants around Christmas using these instructions. Please note, that if…
Stardust Shoes offers up a free pattern (via the Michael Miller Fabrics blog) for this exceptionally cute chef’s ensemble. Poofy chef’s hats are awesome. Link