This dyed pasta came out beautiful and can be used for so many things: pasta necklaces, sorting, counting, play food, etc. Simply Radiant shares how she got the colors to turn out so vibrantly....
You can find a ton of fabulous ideas for young writers at The Write Start, including how to make a name slate for your child to practice writing his or her name! Check it...
A Foothill Home Companion recently made up a game with her kids using a large egg carton and some scrapbooking dots. The game looks like a fun challenge for preschoolers and young children and...
I LOVE Party Perfect’s version of a child’s first word book. The simple photography paired with the Scrabble tile words is just perfect! She had her book printed and bound, but a more affordable...
This is such an awesome idea from The Toby Show. She took an inexpensive tackle box, added a variety of craft supplies to it…and viola! The perfect gift for a budding young artist! Click...
These bathtub crayons from Pepper Paints are a perfect alternative to the store-bought options. They’re made with soap as their base, so they’re nice and clean. Plus, making them yourself, you know exactly what...